Best Fun Games & Activities to Build Self-Confidence in Your Kids

Kids Activities to Build Self-Confidence
Confidence Building Activities

Games and activities can be a great way to build self-confidence in your kids. It is important for parents to nurture their children’s self-confidence. Giving your kids the opportunity to participate in fun activities that will help them become more confident in themselves can make a big difference in their future success and well-being. Also, by encouraging them to try new things, setting achievable goals, and rewarding their successes, you can help them develop a positive view of themselves that will serve them well into adulthood. So, in this article, we are going to help you know some of the best fun games and activities to build self-confidence in your kids and help them believe in themselves.

What is Self Esteem?

Self-esteem refers to the way that a child evaluates and perceives themselves. It is an important factor in determining how well kids handle challenges, cope with difficult emotions, and interact with others. Having low self-esteem can lead to feelings of depression and anxiety. Kids who have a healthy sense of self-worth tend to be happier, more resilient, and strive for success.

How to Build Confidence in Kids?

Building self-confidence in kids is an important part of their development. Confident children have higher levels of self-esteem, better relationships with others, and the courage to take risks and explore new opportunities. Parents can do many fun activities with their kids to help build their confidence – from sports and outdoor activities to arts and crafts.

Best Fun Games & Activities To Build Self-Esteem In Kids:

Below are some of the best activities which for sure are going to boost your kid’s self-esteem, and being a parent, it’s your responsibility to look after your children. So make sure to try these fun activities with your kids at home and outside to help them build up their self-esteem.

Catch The Compliment:

Compliments can be a great way to build self-esteem and self-esteem. In this game, your child will have to catch compliments from you and their siblings or friends. Give them genuine and positive compliments on the things they are doing right. No need for extensive preparation or expensive materials – this is a game that can be played in any environment with multiple versions to choose from. In the classic version of this game, players gather in a circle, either sitting or standing.

Someone then throws a ball (or bean bag) to another player and says something they admire about that person or mentions an area where they know said individual excels. This continues until all participants have participated. This game works best with three or more participants and can be played both sitting down as well as standing up. Pitching a ball in the yard, rolling one across your table – regardless of how you choose to play it, the concept remains unchanged!

Campfire Circle/Round Robin:

No campfire or physical circle is needed for this activity, which centers around creating a story based on the group’s chosen theme; be it silly and zany or spooky and crazy. First, one person will start by telling part of the tale before handing it over to another member, who adds to it until everyone has had their say!

An alternate approach to this would be crafting cards with narrative prompts that could either be prepared beforehand or inserted into the game. This can aid participants in stimulating their imaginations and creating compelling stories, which helps in promoting positive thinking of your kids.

Every player is given a hand of 1-3 cards, which they must decorate with words. The deck is then shuffled, and players take turns selecting their cue cards that will act as the backbone for their narrative. Design your story in parts or string it together as one continuous tale – it’s up to you!

Examples of cues:

Gather three cards and, on each card, note down an individual, a destination or area, and an entity- be it concrete or imaginary. For instance, the person could encompass anyone from a real hero to a mythical crusader, similar to place and thing.

TellTale Card Game:

Telltale cards provide endless possibilities for a captivating story-building experience. The 120-card pack is filled with unique scenarios, characters, and plot elements that will bring your tale to life! It’s an exciting game where you create the narrative – so use all of your imagination and have fun with your child and also help in dealing with self esteem issues and build up the positive qualities in them.

Players will be randomly dealt a card and must craft an imaginative narrative that corresponds to their chosen image. The narrative continues as players draw cards and add to the story, making it a lively game suitable for adults too! Not only is this an enjoyable pastime, but it’s also great practice in creativity.

This game is a fantastic way for adults and children to build strong connections, while kids gain knowledge that will help them sharpen their mental capabilities.

Rolling in Admiration:

Unleash the potential of your dice for a game that’s quite similar to Catch the Compliment! Chances are, you already have one or two dice lying around at home. This is an excellent way to make use of them and inject some fun into your day with the growth mindset of your kids. Take a chance and roll the dice. Whatever number appears, that is how many compliments you should bestow upon the person beside you. You could recognize their praiseworthy qualities or recall fond memories of their past activities – it’s up to you how you want to boost self esteem in your kids!

To spice things up, you can choose to travel around the circle in alternate directions. If you have two dice on hand, roll one dice to skip over a certain number of people and the second die to decide how many statements each person has to give.

If you roll a 2 and 4, direct your compliments to the person two seats away from you and express four qualities or skills that make them admirable. Make sure they know how much you love, like, and appreciate their presence in your life!

Scavenger Hunt:

The campfire circle has been enjoyed by many, but this activity takes it to the next level. Participants must explore their surroundings and discover three unique objects hidden within the campsite!

Following the collection of their items, each camper will create a narrative that includes the three objects belonging to their neighbor. Therefore, they are not recounting tales related to their own trinkets but rather those acquired by another! This exercise helps young minds cultivate creativity and encourages them to think outside of themselves which would eventually help in child’s self esteem activities growth.

Let your children explore their creativity and cultivate problem-solving skills by allowing them to come up with imaginative stories. As they delve deep into the world of make-believe, it will help boost their positive self-esteem as well because they will realize that there is no one who can outshine them in this kind of activity. It’s a great way for them to have fun while expanding their minds!


Our card-based conversation building game sparks meaningful conversations with friends, family and colleagues. Each Totem Game box contains 80 cards, each of which have a strength written on them to be used as prompts for discussion. The cards are linked together in various combinations and help you create rich stories that inspire lively debate!

Every player is assigned a few cards. One individual will be named the dealer and one person becomes the focus of the game. Subsequently, the dealer selects cards that they believe best represent the strengths of said focus in order to provide an explanation as to why they chose those particularities for them.

Now, the remaining players will choose one combination from their cards to become the focus person’s totem. This process continues until all participants have received their totems.

Other Fun Activites That Can Help Kids Develop Self Esteem

Allow To make Their Own Decision:

Your child will one day evolve into an adult and be responsible for his own decisions. But, without the opportunity to make their own choices when they are young, he won’t develop critical problem-solving skills essential in life. Therefore, you should allow your kid to experience autonomy through making his own decisions now.

Still, these choices must always be suited to the child’s age. Decisions like what outfit they should wear, which cereal they prefer for breakfast, or fried food item off of a menu can all be left up to them!

Never Over Praise kids:

While it is important to celebrate and compliment your children, there has to be a limit. Too much praise can lead to detriments in the psychological development of your child. They may become conceited or develop an attitude that they are always right, making them less receptive to guidance from others and hindering their growth as individuals. If left unchecked, they will become arrogant and prone to taking extreme risks under the assumption that they are invincible.

Take Help from kids In Your Work:

Children with diminished self-worth often feel helpless and unable to carry out tasks. However, when you reach out to them for assistance, it can imbue within them a sense of worthiness which will lead them to give their all towards helping you in your work.

Always commend your child for their effort and dedication, irrespective of the outcome. Instil in them that attempting something is just as important as succeeding at it; they must first try to be adept at a task. Praise will motivate them further to seize opportunities with enthusiasm and eagerness.

Always Encourage Them In Their Life Goals:

Kids have boundless imaginations and can be anything they want! One minute, a child dreams of being a doctor; the next day, he or she envisions themselves as an acclaimed chef. The possibilities are endless when you’re young! It is clear that he still has some growing up to do before setting long-term goals. Regardless of what path he takes, it’s pivotal to recognize and applaud his ambitions while encouraging him along the way in pursuit of his life objectives.

Allow Them To Do What They Are Good At:

There’s something special that every child loves doing, whether it be reading books, drawing pictures, playing video games or watching a movie. When you notice them engrossed in these activities take the opportunity to spend quality time with your little one!

Establish a meaningful conversation with your children about their passions and interests. Not only will this create an atmosphere of trust, but it will also strengthen the bond you have – offering them comfort and subsequently increasing their self-esteem!

Stimulate them to discover their natural interests and motivate them to learn new hobbies like painting, sports, astronomy, or anything else they might find stimulating.

These are some of the fun and easy way to foster meaningful conversations while helping your child work on their self-esteem. Not only does this promote positive self-esteem among your kids, but it also encourages everyone boosting social skills and positive affirmations among all.


Self-confidence is a key factor in helping kids build the foundation for a successful life. As parents, it’s our responsibility to ensure our children grow up with the necessary skills to succeed and make meaningful decisions. To do this, we need to give them opportunities to make their own decisions, avoid over praising them, take help from them in your work, encourage them in their goals and allow them to do what they are good at. All of these will contribute to their overall developing self-esteem and help them make decisions confidently that impacts not only their life but also the lives of those around them.

We hope this article has given you a better understanding of how to build self-confidence in your kids in a fun way. If you have any other suggestions or activities for kids to boost self esteem, please leave them in the comments below. Thank you for taking the time to read this article and we wish you the best of luck!

FAQs for Fun Games & Activities to Build Self-Confidence in Your Kids

How can I improve my child’s healthy self Esteem?

Improving your child’s self-esteem is an incredibly important task, but it can feel like a daunting journey. The good news is that there are many concrete steps you can take to help your child develop strong self-esteem and solid self-confidence.

First, model the behavior and attitude you want them to have. Children often imitate their parents and strive to live up to their expectations, so be sure that you show your child unconditional love and acceptance no matter what they do or how they look. Secondly, encourage your child through positive reinforcement by praising their accomplishments whenever possible! Validate even small successes and provide them with words of encouragement when needed, as this helps build their sense of value and worthiness.

Thirdly, get creative with activities designed specifically for building self-confidence in children! For example, help them set goals for themselves – both small ones (like helping around the house) as well as larger ones (learning a new skill or activity) – which will give them improved motivation while also providing achievable objectives to meet. Additionally try using “memory jars” filled with cards listing past successes; having kids review these cards after particularly difficult days can boost their spirits immensely!

Finally remember that its best not push too hard when teaching life lessons – though giving guidance on decision making is important allow children some room for trial & error so they can really learn from mistakes made while retaining confidence in themselves regardless of outcomes! With a combination of patience & nurturing above all else your little one should stay steadily headed towards greater confidence in no time.

What activities give kids confidence?

Confidence is a critical component for success in life, and it all starts with the development of our youth.

Activities that give kids confidence can be classified into two main categories:

1) Physical Activities:

Physical activities are a great way to help build self-confidence in children. Examples include team sports (such as soccer or baseball), martial arts, dance classes or even something as simple as participating in playground games at school recess time. These physical activities will create an environment where kids can learn the importance of physical conditioning, health, and good nutrition while developing their motor skills and having fun with friends. All these experiences contribute to building up their self-esteem.

2) Mental Activities:

Mental activities are just as important for building confidence – especially when it comes to language acquisition, math literacy, problem-solving ability and fine motor skill development which will all serve them well down the road academically speaking – but also for helping them learn more about themselves on an emotional level during this formative stage of their lives.

Watching movies together, playing educational board games like chess or Sudoku are examples of how we can begin introducing these kinds of mental exercises into their daily routines from an early age so you can start digesting complex concepts in ways that make sense to them now but may lead the path to actually understanding those same concepts later on down the line when they become more relevant due to changing interests or new goals set by your child’s personal growth over time.

This kind of cognitive stimulation helps create feelings of accomplishment while allowing exploration within certain defined boundaries – thus giving your youngster both increased autonomy alongside a reliable safety net should he/she ever need it during his/her journey towards maturity where greater freedom comes hand-in-hand with greater responsibility. The combination allows him/her feel more confident about taking risks so he/she grows intellectually beyond what he already knows today into something much larger tomorrow!