Do you want to avoid pregnancy after sex naturally? Although there are many contraceptives available, including pills, rings, patches, and more, there is no 100% guarantee that these products will work. And what if your contraceptive lets you down or fails at a time when you’re least expecting it? Fortunately for those looking for natural contraception, several natural options could help reduce the risk of unintended pregnancies. In this blog, let’s explore some of the most effective ways to prevent pregnancy after intercourse- including abstinence and withdrawal methods, becoming more in touch with your body, and tracking fertility days.
Some Ways to avoid pregnancy naturally
Preventing pregnancy naturally requires two steps: understanding the body’s fertility cycle and taking appropriate measures to avoid an unplanned pregnancy. Many birth control methods can be used to prevent pregnancy; however, there are also some natural ways to avoid conception. Here are some ways that individuals can naturally prevent a pregnancy:
Pennyroyal (Spearmint)
Pennyroyal (also known as spearmint) is an herb that has been used as a birth control method by Native American and Chinese cultures for centuries. The active compounds in pennyroyal have been found to reduce sperm motility and interfere with ovulation. It may also help prevent pregnancy if taken shortly after intercourse; however, it is not as effective as other methods of birth control and should not be relied upon for regular contraception.
Queen Anne’s Lace
To avoid the chance of getting pregnant, Queen Anne’s Lace is an herb that some women take on a daily basis to suppress ovulation. It contains compounds that prevent the production of hormones necessary for egg release and thus prevent pregnancy. Queen Anne’s Lace natural remedies are often recommended to women who are attempting to avoid pregnancy without the use of synthetic hormones. However, fertility awareness methods should be used with this herb since it will not protect against sexually transmitted infections or HIV/AIDS. Although this herb may be effective, it should never be taken without speaking to your doctor first. Long-term use of Queen Anne’s Lace could cause serious side effects.
Cotton Root Bark
The cotton root bark is an herb used in traditional Mexican medicine for birth control. The active components of cotton root bark have been found to inhibit the release of hormones that cause ovulation. It is believed that this action helps prevent a woman from becoming pregnant. Cotton root bark can also be taken after unprotected intercourse to reduce the chances of pregnancy. However, if you use contraceptive pills, the effectiveness of this herb is likely to be reduced. As we have known, these hormonal pills change the body’s response to this herb. As well, the herb has no effect once an egg has already been released.
Black And Blue Cohosh
Black and blue cohosh are two herbs that may be used together for birth control. The active ingredients in these herbs help prevent ovulation and reduce sperm motility, thus making it difficult for sperm to reach an egg. Generally, fertility awareness methods are recommended for the most effective use of these herbs. If you have unprotected intercourse with a partner, black and blue cohosh may be taken after intercourse to help reduce the likelihood of pregnancy.
Wild Carrot Seed
Wild carrot seed is another herb that can be used as a contraceptive. It contains a hormone that blocks progesterone, and this action prevents conception. The exact mechanism of how it works is not known, but it has been found that it can be an effective form of birth control. This herb should not be taken if you are pregnant, as it may interfere with your pregnancy. As such, it is best to use fertility awareness methods when taking this herb in order to avoid accidental pregnancy. Additionally, to avoid positive pregnancy test results, it is recommended to wait at least three months after taking the herb before attempting to conceive.
Calendar method
This method requires couples to track the menstrual cycle for several months and abstain from unprotected sex when the woman is most fertile. To prevent unwanted pregnancy, couples should avoid intercourse during the fertile window. Taking a proactive approach to avoiding pregnancy starts with charting at least 12 menstrual cycles, then subtracting 18 days from the shortest cycle and 11 days from the longest in order to determine when ovulation is most likely. By doing this, you can easily identify your most fertile window and plan accordingly. This fertility awareness method is a viable option for women with monthly cycles ranging between 26-32 days.
Temperature Method
Taking your temperature each morning can help you determine when you have ovulated and are most fertile. When a woman is ovulating, her body temperature rises slightly due to the release of hormones. To determine the exact time of ovulation, take your basal body temperature for at least three months and look for an increase in your average body temperature. Although if women use birth control pills, the pill will interfere with this method and render it ineffective. Moreover, if your cycle is irregular, this method might not be your best option.
Withdrawal Method
This method of birth control involves the male partner withdrawing his penis from the vagina before ejaculating. This method has been used for centuries, but it is important to keep in mind that it does not provide the same level of protection as other methods. It may fail due to pre-ejaculate (semen) being present, and couples should be aware of this potential risk before using this method. (But make sure emergency contraception should not be used as a regular form of birth control). However, the withdrawal method can be successful if used consistently and correctly.
Condoms Method
Condoms are the best birth control shot for preventing both pregnancy and STIs. They are a barrier method of contraception that prevents semen from entering the vagina. There are male condoms made of latex, polyurethane, or other materials and female condoms made of nitrile. Condoms are an effective way to prevent pregnancy when used correctly and consistently with every sexual act. They are easy to use and can be purchased at most drugstores.
Cervical Mucus Method
This method of birth control involves monitoring the changes in your cervical mucus throughout your menstrual cycle. By tracking changes in your cervical mucus, you may be able to tell when you are most and least fertile, allowing you to abstain during the times that pregnancy is more likely. This method can be used alone or with certain herbs, charts, and other methods of fertility awareness. Furthermore, couples can use the lactational amenorrhea method or vitamin C supplements if they don’t want to rely on the cervical mucus method. To prevent pregnancy, it’s important to abstain from intercourse during the most fertile days of your cycle.
Natural Family Planning
This method involves couples understanding the body’s fertility and taking measures to prevent an unwanted pregnancy. Couples should learn about their menstrual cycle, ovulation, and other signs of fertility in order to identify when it is safe to have unprotected sex without the risk of conceiving. Natural family planning requires couples to abstain from intercourse during fertile days and to use a barrier method of contraception when necessary. Generally, partners worried about sexually transmitted diseases will use a barrier method such as condoms or diaphragms anyway. But if you use natural family planning, you can abstain from having intercourse on days when it is likely to result in a pregnancy.
Neem is a powerful anti-inflammatory herb that can help reduce the risk of pregnancy. Available in the form of capsules, tablets, and oils, Neem helps regulate the hormones in women’s bodies and prevent ovulation, thereby reducing the chances of an unwanted pregnancy. For best results, take neem tablets twice a day for several weeks prior to intercourse.
On the other side, neem extract can be applied topically on the cervix to block sperm from entering and causing conception. Moreover, to avoid positive pregnancy tests results, neem can be taken after intercourse to flush out the sperm before it reaches the egg. Reportedly, introducing neem oil through the vaginal tract has been proven to induce female reversible infertility for up to one year and also neem tablets can promote temporary sterility in men.
Citrus fruits
Citrus fruits, such as oranges and grapefruits, are rich in Vitamin C and other antioxidants that can prevent ovulation, which is essential for pregnancy prevention. Eating at least one citrus fruit per day can increase the acidity of the vaginal environment and make it difficult for sperm to survive. Citrus fruits like lemon, amla, and guava can also be consumed in the form of juice, which can help prevent unwanted pregnancies.
Pomegranate has a lot of antioxidants that are beneficial for the female reproductive system. It is believed to have contraceptive properties and can be consumed as juice or eaten raw. In addition, it is said to possess anti-fertility properties that prevent pregnancy.
Pumpkin Seeds
Pumpkin seeds are rich in zinc which is believed to have contraceptive effects on women by preventing ovulation. It is recommended to consume a handful of pumpkin seeds everyday to reduce the risk of pregnancy. Additionally, pumpkin seed oil has been used traditionally for its contraceptive properties.
Papayas are rich sources of vitamin C and contain an enzyme known as papain, which can alter the vaginal environment and make it difficult for sperm to survive. Eating one or two ripe papayas per day can significantly reduce the chances of unwanted pregnancies. Additionally, papaya paste can be applied to the cervix and vagina for added protection against sperm.
Dried apricot
Dried apricots are an excellent source of vitamin A, which is essential for healthy vision. Additionally, these dried fruits are a great source of minerals like calcium and potassium that help maintain bone health. Dried apricots also contain high levels of dietary fiber, which helps regulate digestion and prevent constipation. With their naturally delightful sweetness, dates make for a perfect snack and are known to reduce the chances of an unplanned pregnancy when consumed regularly.
Does washing after sex prevent pregnancy?
No, washing after sex does not prevent pregnancy. In order for any contraceptive method to be effective, it must contain either a physical barrier (such as a condom or diaphragm) or a chemical agent (such as birth control pills or hormonal injections). Even when using those methods of contraception, there is still no guarantee that you won’t become pregnant. Washing after sex can remove some semen present in the vagina; however, it cannot stop an egg from being fertilized if sperm has already made contact with an egg. The only way to ensure that you do not get pregnant when having unprotected sex is by abstaining from sexual activity altogether.
Can I wash sperm out of me?
Yes, you can wash sperm out of your body. It’s important to remember that sperm are not just sitting in the upper part of your vagina waiting to be washed away. The entire reproductive tract is connected and so the semen that enters your body has access throughout its length.
If you want to flush out any remaining sperm, then it is recommended that you take a shower or bath shortly after sexual intercourse and use warm water mixed with soap to cleanse yourself thoroughly, including around the external genital area and inside your vagina if possible. This will help remove any residual semen from within the vagina as well as on the outside.
Why not drink water after sex?
Drinking water after sex is not recommended. This is because when a person orgasms during intercourse, their body releases toxins and by-products into the bloodstream. These toxins can end up in your urinary tract if you drink water right afterwards, leading to an increased risk of infection. Additionally, drinking plenty of fluids after sex tends to slow down the ejaculatory process, which can be both uncomfortable for the individual as well as increase their risk for developing sexually transmitted infections (STIs). However, it’s best to wait at least 30 minutes before hydrating following sexual intercourse to allow your body time to flush out any potential harmful substances left behind from climaxing.
Can you have sex on your period?
Yes, you can have sex on your period. While it is not a traditional practice, there are no medical or health reasons why it cannot be done safely. The biggest thing to consider before engaging in sexual activity during menstruation is hygiene and messiness.
It’s also important to remember that sexual activities may lead to increased bleeding due to hormone shifts while on your period, so be prepared with extra long-lasting products just in case! Additionally, since women’s libido can increase due to hormones during their cycle – couples may find that certain sexual positions are more comfortable than others.
In general there is no reason why having sex on your period should be avoided if both partners are comfortable with the idea and take necessary hygiene precautions.
The Wrapped Up!
Pregnancy is a beautiful thing, but sometimes it’s not planned. If you have recently had unprotected sex and don’t want to get pregnant, you can do the above-mentioned natural methods to prevent it. However, these methods should not be used as a substitute for proper contraception, such as birth control pills or condoms. Be sure to speak to your doctor about other contraception options that may be available to you. If you think you might already be pregnant, it is important to take a pregnancy test and seek medical advice. Please consult your healthcare professional before making any decisions regarding birth control or pregnancy prevention.